Friday 10 March 2017

Yoyos - Just like Nana used to make.

Okay, so I didn't create this recipe. It's from the classic Edmonds Cookbook that you'll find in most NZ households. It is however one that I've been enjoying for as long as I can remember. I have the best memories of sitting on the kitchen bench at my Nana's house, helping to roll the dough into little balls and pressing them down with the back of a fork. Then once they were cooled helping to ice them. You can often find a similar variation of these biscuits in cafe's called melting moments. 

Basically they're a delicate shortbread filled with butter icing. Yoyo's however have the addition of custard powder which gives them a really tasty creamy twist. My Nana used to add a tiny bit of lemon to the icing, and in this variation I've added passionfruit, you could easily swap the passionfruit for 2 tbsp of lemon juice instead, depending on the season.

See below for the recipe.... as these are the perfect rainy day baking treat. 

Post shared by Stef Parker (@sparkmypantry) on


Ingredients (makes 15-20 biscuits - 30-40 balls):
  • 175g butter, softened
  • ¼ cup icing sugar
  • ¼ tsp vanilla essence
  • 1½ cups Edmonds standard flour
  • ¼ cup Edmonds custard powder
Butter filling:
  • 50g butter, softened
  • Pulp from 1 passionfruit (or 2 tbsp lemon juice) 
  • 2 Tbsp Edmonds custard powder
  • ½ cup icing sugar

Preheat the oven to 180ÂșC. Line two baking trays with baking paper.

Cream the butter, icing sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy.
Sift the flour and custard powder together and mix with the creamed butter to form a soft dough.
Roll teaspoonfuls of the mixture into balls, place on the prepared trays and press down with a fork.
Bake for 15–20 minutes until lightly golden. Leave on the trays for a few minutes before placing on a wire rack to cool completely.

To make the icing, simply beat all the filling ingredients together until light and fluffy. 

Once the biscuits are cooled sandwich them together with the butter icing. 

Enjoy - these delicate morsels won't last long! 

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