Sunday 12 July 2015

Baking bread: the old fashioned way

I love books, and in particular I love cookbooks. However not all cookbooks are created equal. Some filled with glamorous pictures might be nice to look at but are never things that you would bother making due to extravagant ingredients or laborious steps. Some on the other hand are down to earth, practical, easy and downright delicious. My all time favourite cookbook I 'borrowed' from my mother a few years ago. She was given it as a 30th birthday gift, the inscription tells me. It has come to be my favourite book. Beautifully handwritten, illustrated and never fails to taste good and feel good, Mollie Katzen's Enchanted Broccoli Forest. 

Today I made Mollie's Date and Wheat Germ bread. Naturally sweetened with a drop of honey and softened dates. Despite, the dates, this is a savoury bread and best served warm with butter. Rested three times for optimal flavour and texture. 

Below are pictures of her step by step bread making guide, I couldn't explain it better, or more beautifully. She uses these steps to make a dozen different breads in this book. 

Date and Wheat Germ Recipe

Ready for the oven... 

Finished loaf
Finished rolls

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