Friday 21 July 2017

Lamb Casserole - Baby Friendly!

So this is a new series of recipes that I'm working on which are both baby and adult friendly. The Master of the house is currently 7 months old and enjoying exploring a range of foods. So I'm having to get a little more creative with what I'm serving. 

Initially I started him on single foods, pureed and either spoon fed (which wasn't very successful) or self-fed using a Boon Silicone Feeder. Turns out my little one is a "I-do-it-myself-Mama" kind of kid. Which has made feeding time .... interesting. I've certainly gained a lot of patience. 

Master 7 gave this the thumbs up
Note the distraction rusk in the other hand
However, I'm finally making some progress. Master 7 months holds and gnaws on a piece of steamed veggie, fruit or a rusk (try these homemade ones from My Kids Lick the Bowl), while I strategically spoon food in. The fact that he's got his finger food means he's not constantly trying to swipe the spoon from me too!  

Anyway, back to the lamb casserole. I was over making individual mashes and purees... and I think he was too, so here is a tasty lamb casserole which we both enjoyed! 

Below is the complete list of ingredients you will need. Then I will put another list of how much actually goes into baby's pot, everything else goes into your pot, no precooking required; simply peel (if you can be bothered), chop and simmer. Also, chop the veggies for baby's pot a bit smaller. 

So you'll have two pots going. I made this in the morning, then left it on the stove during the day, just reheating when we were ready to eat, but you could easily do it in the afternoon. Just allow 1 hour cooking time for adults. I cook baby's one a little longer so that the food has broken down more. 

Ingredients (serves 4 hungry adults and 6-10 baby serves):

  • 600 grams lamb steak, trimmed of fat
  • 500 grams potatoes 
  • 500 grams parsnip 
  • 500 grams carrot 
  • 1 apple, peeled and diced
  • 1 1/2 cups of frozen peas
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes 
  • Optional for baby's pot: 1/4 cup of baby rice or polenta 

Adults pot only 

  • 1 onion, largely diced
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp dried sage
  • 1 tbsp dried rosemary
  • 1 tbsp cumin seeds
  • salt and pepper 
  • Buttered bread to serve, or creamy polenta, mashed potato or rice. 

To prepare have two pots on the stove. One a 1L capacity for baby and another 3L capacity for adults. As you prepare each ingredients chop it small to begin with for baby's pot, once you have the required amount, chop what's rest larger and pop it in the adults pot. 
For baby prepare: 100 grams of Lamb, 130 grams of potato, 50 grams of parsnip, 150 grams of carrot, 60 grams of apple, 80 grams of peas, 180 grams chopped tomatoes. Put all of baby's ingredients into pot and add enough water to cover. Simmer on a low heat for at least one hour, maybe 1.5 hour, adding more water if necessary. You want it to be cooked long enough that the meat shreds easily. 

Meanwhile place all other ingredients into a larger pot, including onion, spices, salt and pepper. Cover with water and simmer for an hour on a low heat, stirring occasionally and topping up with water if necessary. 

Once the baby pot has cooked add the baby rice, or polenta if using. This will also help to soak up any excess liquid if necessary. Wait for it to cool, then depending on the age of your baby you'll either want to puree it, pulse in a blender, or mash. Of course you can always add more water or baby rice/polenta to make it thick or thinner to suit. Once blended, I freeze it down in ice trays. Master 7 months will happily eat 4 cubes in a sitting, but every baby is different. 

For the adults pot, I like to mash it roughly also. This helps to thicken it up. Then serve with fresh bread and soft butter. Alternatively you can serve it with creamy polenta, mashed potato, or rice. 

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